The Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) is a young university (67 years old)which was founded with the union old Schools of Law, Engineering and Medicineand some other not less important research institutes. UFPE is located in cityof Recife (capital of the State of Pernambuco) with nearly 4 millioninhabitants and is located in the Northeastern coast of Brazil. UFPE is one ofthe best universities in the country and it is the largest and the mostimportant one among those located in the North and Northeastern regions,according to the assessments of the Ministries of Education (MEC) and ofScience and Technology (MCT) of Brazil.
Currently, UFPE has 104 undergraduatecourses, over 123 graduate programs in both Master and Ph. D. levels, about 500research groups covering most of the areas of knowledge, and a population of46.946 people, including students (both, undergraduate and graduate), teaching,administrative and technical staff, divided into the main campus in (Recife)and into the two recently created campuses located in Caruaru and Vitória deSanto Antão.