English Name: | The University of Manchester |
Region: | Northern Europe |
Country/Region: | UK |
Found Year: | 1851 |
Address: | Oxford Road |
Website: | http://www.manchester.ac.uk |
The University of Manchester is the UK's largest single-site University with approximately 40,000 students and more than 4,700 FTE academic and research staff. The University has a rich academic heritage with more than 25 Nobel Prize winners amongst its current and former staff and students. Rutherford split the atom here, the world's first modern computer was built in 1948 and more recently graphene was discovered in Manchester. In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, the University was rated third in the UK for 'research power' and offers more than 420 undergraduate programmes across the full range of academic disciplines.
Total Enrollment:35796
International Students:9643(27%)
Undergraduate Enrollment:27103
International Students:4995(18%)
Graduate Enrollment:8693
International Students:4649(53%)
Undergraduate Programs
Accounting and Finance
Aerospace Engineering
Anatomical Science
Art History and Visual Studies
Biomedical Sciences
Business and Management
Cell Biology
Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science
Civil Engineering
Classics and Ancient History
Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology
Computer Science
Development Studies
Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
English and American Studies
Government, Politics and International Relations
Learning Disability
Life Sciences
Linguistics and English Language
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Biochemistry
Middle Eastern Studies
Modern Languages and Cultures
Molecular Biology
Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Physics and Astronomy
Planning and Landscape
Plant Science
Religions and Theology
Social Anthropology
Social Sciences
Speech and Language Therapy
Textiles and Paper Science
Youth Work
Postgraduate Taught Courses
Accounting and Finance MSc
Accounting and Finance MSc
ACS: Advanced Web Technologies MSc
ACS: Applications of NLP
ACS: Artificial Intelligence MSc
ACS: Computer Security MSc
ACS: Computer Systems Engineering MSc
ACS: Data and Knowledge Management MSc
ACS: Digital Biology MSc
ACS: Digital Biology MSc
ACS: Multi-Core Computing MSc
ACS: Semantic Technologies MSc
ACS: Software Engineering MSc
Actuarial Science MSc
Advanced Audiology Studies MSc
Advanced Audiology Studies MSc
Advanced Chemical Engineering MSc
Advanced Chemical Process Design MSc
Advanced Composites MSc
Advanced Computer Science and IT Management MSc
Advanced Computer Science and IT Management MSc
Advanced Computer Science MSc
Advanced Control and Systems Engineering MSc
Advanced Engineering Materials MSc
Advanced Manufacturing Technology & Systems Management MSc
Advanced Process Design for Energy MSc
Aerospace Engineering MSc
American Studies MA
Analytics: Operational Research and Risk Analysis MSc
Anthropological Research MA
Applied Linguistics MA
Applied Theatre MA (pathway of Theatre and Performance)
Arab World Studies Integrated MA/PhD
Arab World Studies MA
Archaeology: Archaeology of Identity MA
Archaeology: Complex Societies MA
Archaeology: General MA
Archaeology: Neolithic MA
Arts Management, Policy and Practice MA
Arts Management, Policy and Practice MA
Arts Management, Policy and Practice MA
Audiology MSc
Audiology MSc
Biblical Studies MA
Biochemistry MSc
Biochemistry MSc
Biochemistry MSc
Biochemistry MSc
Biochemistry MSc
Biochemistry MSc
Biochemistry MSc
Biochemistry MSc
Biochemistry MSc
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology MSc
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology MSc
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology MSc
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology MSc
Biological Sciences MRes
Biological Sciences MRes
Biological Sciences MRes
Biological Sciences MRes
Biological Sciences MRes
Biological Sciences MRes
Biological Sciences MRes
Biological Sciences MRes
Biological Sciences MRes
Biological Sciences MRes
Biological Sciences MRes
Biological Sciences MRes
Biomaterials MSc
Biomechanics MSc
Biomedical and Forensic Studies in Egyptology MSc
Biomedical and Forensic Studies in Egyptology MSc
Biomedical and Forensic Studies in Egyptology MSc
Biostatistics MSc
Biostatistics MSc
Biostatistics MSc
Biotechnology and Enterprise MSc
Biotechnology and Enterprise MSc
Biotechnology and Enterprise MSc
Biotechnology MSc
Business Administration MBA
Business Administration MBA
Cancer Research and Molecular Biomedicine MSc
Cardiovascular Health and Disease (MRes)
Cell Biology MSc
Cell Biology MSc
Cell Biology MSc
Cell Biology MSc
Cell Biology MSc
Cell Biology MSc
Cell Biology MSc
Cell Biology MSc
Cell Biology MSc
Cell Biology MSc
Cell Biology MSc
Cell Biology MSc
Cell Biology MSc
Chemical Engineering with Design MSc
Chemistry MSc
Chinese Business and Management MSc
Classics and Ancient History MA
Clinical and Health Psychology MSc
Clinical Biochemistry (MSc)
Cognitive Brain Imaging MSc
Cognitive Brain Imaging MSc
Communication Engineering MSc
Composition MusM
Computational Neuroscience MSc
Computational Neuroscience MSc
Computational Neuroscience MSc
Computational Neuroscience MSc
Computational Neuroscience MSc
Conference Interpreting MA
Constructions of the Sacred, the Holy and the Supernatural MA
Contemporary Literature and Culture MA
Corporate Communications and Reputation Management MSc
Corporate Governance LLM
Corrosion Control Engineering MSc
Creative Writing MA
Crime, Law and Society MA
Criminology and Socio-Legal Studies (Criminology pathway) MRes
Cultural History MA
Deaf Education PGDip
Deaf Education PGDip
Development Economics and Policy MSc
Development Economics and Policy MSc
Development Economics and Policy MSc
Development Finance MSc
Development Finance MSc
Development Finance MSc
Development Studies (Research Training) MA
Development Studies (Research Training) MA
Development Studies MA
Development Studies MA
Developmental Biology MSc
Developmental Biology MSc
Developmental Biology MSc
Developmental Biology MSc
Developmental Biology MSc
Developmental Biology MSc
Developmental Biology MSc
Developmental Biology MSc
Developmental Biology MSc
Developmental Biology MSc
Digital Image and Signal Processing MSc
Digital Technologies, Communication and Education MA
Digital Technologies, Communication and Education MA
Early Modern History MA
Econometrics MSc
Economic and Social History MA
Economics (Economics of Health) MSc
Economics (Environmental Economics) MSc
Economics (Environmental Economics) MSc
Economics and Econometrics MSc
Economics MA
Economics MA
Economics MSc
Economics Postgraduate Diploma
Education (International) MA
Educational Leadership and Improvement MA
Educational Leadership and Improvement MA
Educational Leadership and School Improvement (Inclusive Education) MA
Educational Leadership and School Improvement MA
Educational Leadership and School Improvement MA
Educational Research MSc
Educational Technology and TESOL MA
Educational Technology and TESOL MA
Electrical Energy Conversion Systems MSc
Electrical Power Systems Engineering MSc
Electroacoustic Music Composition MusM
Endodontics (Dental Specialties) MSc/ PGDip
Endodontics MSc (Clin): 3-year course
English and American Studies MA
English Language MA
Enterprise MSc
Environment and Sustainable Technology MSc
Environmental Governance MSc
Environmental Governance MSc
Environmental Impact Assessment and Management MA
Environmental Impact Assessment and Management MA
Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Reconstruction MSc
Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Reconstruction MSc
Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management MESPOM
European Languages and Cultures MA
European Law & Governance LLM
Finance and Business Economics MSc
Finance and Business Economics MSc
Finance MSc
Finance MSc
Financial Economics MSc
Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics (Dental Specialties) MSc
Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics MSc (Clin): 3-year course
Gender, Sexuality and Culture MA
Gender, Sexuality and Culture MA
Genetic Counselling MSc
Genetic Counselling MSc
Genetic Medicine (MRes)
Genetic Medicine (MRes)
Geographical Information Science MSc
Geographical Information Science MSc
Geographical Information Science MSc
Global Business Analysis MBus
Global Urban Development and Planning MSc
Global Urban Development and Planning MSc
Global Urban Development and Planning MSc
Global Urban Development and Planning MSc
Globalisation and Development MSc
Globalisation and Development MSc
Health Care Ethics & Law MSc (Intercalated)
Health Care Ethics and Law MA
Healthcare Management MSc
History MA
History of Science, Technology and Medicine MSc
History of Science, Technology and Medicine MSc
History of Science, Technology and Medicine MSc
History of Science, Technology and Medicine MSc
Human Resource Development (International Development) MSc
Human Resource Development (International Development) MSc
Human Resource Management (International Development) MSc
Human Resource Management (International Development) MSc
Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations MSc
Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations MSc
Human Rights - Law / Political Science Pathway (Standard Route) MA
Human Rights - Law/ Political Science Pathway (Research Route) MA
Human Rights - Political Science (Research Route) MA
Human Rights - Political Science (Standard Route) MA
Humanitarianism and Conflict Response MA
Humanitarianism and Conflict Response MA
Humanitarianism and Conflict Response MA
Humanitarianism and Conflict Response MA
Humanitarianism and Conflict Response MA
ICTs for Development MSc/PGDip
ICTs for Development MSc/PGDip
Immunology and Immunogenetics MSc
Immunology and Immunogenetics MSc
Immunology and Immunogenetics MSc
Industry, Trade and Development MSc
Industry, Trade and Development MSc
Industry, Trade and Development MSc
Information Systems: Business IT MSc
Information Systems: Business IT MSc
Information Systems: e-Business Technology MSc
Information Systems: e-Business Technology MSc
Information Systems: Organisations and Management MSc
Information Systems: Organisations and Management MSc
Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship MSc
Integrative Biology MRes
Integrative Biology MRes
Integrative Biology MRes
Integrative Biology MRes
Integrative Biology MRes
Integrative Biology MRes
Integrative Biology MRes
Integrative Biology MRes
Integrative Biology MRes
Integrative Biology MRes
Intellectual Property Law LLM
Intellectual Property Law PgDip
Intercultural Communication MA - subject to approval
Intercultural Communication MA - subject to approval
International Business and Commercial Law LLM
International Business and Management MSc
International Development (Research Training) MSc
International Development (Research Training) MSc
International Development: Development Management MA
International Development: Development Management MA
International Development: Economics and Management of Rural Development MSc
International Development: Economics and Management of Rural Development MSc
International Development: Environment and Development MA
International Development: Environment and Development MA
International Development: Politics and Governance MA
International Development: Politics and Governance MA
International Development: Politics and Governance MA
International Development: Poverty, Conflict and Reconstruction MA
International Development: Poverty, Conflict and Reconstruction MA
International Development: Public Policy and Management MA
International Development: Public Policy and Management MA
International Development: Public Policy and Management MA
International Development: Social Policy and Social Development MA
International Development: Social Policy and Social Development MA
International Fashion Retailing ( Business Process Improvement) MSc
International Fashion Retailing ( Business Process Improvement) MSc
International Fashion Retailing (Multichannel Management) MSc
International Fashion Retailing MSc
International Fashion Retailing MSc
International Financial Law LLM
International Human Resource Management and Comparative Industrial Relations MSc
International Human Resource Management and Comparative Industrial Relations MSc
International Politics - International Relations Pathway (Research Route) MA
International Politics - International Relations Pathway (Standard Route) MA
International Politics - IPE Pathway (Research Route) MA
International Politics - IPE Pathway (Standard Route) MA
International Trade Transactions LLM
Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science MSc
Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science MSc
Jewish Studies MA
Languages and Cultures (research route) MA - subject to approval
Languages and Linguistics MA
Latin American and Caribbean Studies MA
Law and Development LLM
Law and Development MA
Linguistics MA
Literature and Culture 1200-1700 MA
Maintenance Engineering & Asset Management MSc
Management and Implementation of Development Projects MSc
Management and Implementation of Development Projects MSc
Management and Implementation of Development Projects MSc
Management and Information Systems: Change and Development MSc
Management and Information Systems: Change and Development MSc
Management and Information Systems: Change and Development MSc
Management MRes
Management MSc
Management of Projects MSc
Management of Projects: Commercial Project Management MSc
Management of Projects: Construction Project Management MSc
Management of Projects: Engineering Project Management MSc
Management of Projects: IT Project Management MSc
Managerial Psychology MSc
Managerial Psychology MSc
Marketing MSc
Materials and Surface Design MRes
Materials and Surface Design MRes
Materials and Surface Design MRes
Maternal and Fetal Health MRes
Mathematical Finance MSc
Mathematical Finance MSc
Mathematical Finance MSc
Mathematical Logic and the Theory of Computation MSc
Mathematical Logic and the Theory of Computation MSc
Mathematics and Computational Science MSc
Mathematics and Computational Science MSc
Mechanical Engineering Design MSc
Medical Microbiology (MSc)
Medical Microbiology (MSc)
Medical Microbiology (MSc)
Medical Sciences MRes
Medical Virology MSc
Medical Virology MSc
Medieval Studies MA
Medieval Studies MA
Medieval Studies MA
Modern British History MA
Modern European History MA
Molecular Parasitology and Vector Biology MSc
Music and Drama MA
Musicology MusM
Nanoelectronics MSc
Neuroscience MSc
Neuroscience MSc
Neuroscience MSc
Neuroscience MSc
Nuclear Science and Technology MSc
Oncology (MRes)
Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management MSc
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dental Specialties) MSc
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery MSc (Clin): 3-year course
Organisational Change and Development MSc
Organisational Change and Development MSc
Organisational Change and Development MSc
Organisational Psychology MSc
Organisational Psychology MSc
Orthodontics MSc (Clin): 3-year course
Periodontology MSc (Clin) 3-year course
Petroleum Exploration Geoscience MSc
Petroleum Geoscience for Reservoir Development and Production MSc
PGCE Primary
PGCE Primary
PGCE Primary (Modern Language)
PGCE Primary (Modern Language)
PGCE Secondary Business Education
PGCE Secondary Business Education
PGCE Secondary Design Technology
PGCE Secondary Design Technology
PGCE Secondary English
PGCE Secondary English
PGCE Secondary Mathematics
PGCE Secondary Mathematics
PGCE Secondary Modern Languages (French/German/Spanish)
PGCE Secondary Modern Languages (French/German/Spanish)
PGCE Secondary Science Biology
PGCE Secondary Science Biology
Philosophy MRes
Photon Science MSc
Physics and Computing in Medicine and Biology MSc
Planning MPlan
Plant and Microbial Sciences MSc
Political Economy (Research) MA (pathways; Theoretical Pol Economy/ Finance, Bus. & Employment/Political Economy of Dev./Society, Space & Environ.)
Political Economy (Research) MA (pathways; Theoretical Pol Economy/ Finance, Bus. & Employment/Political Economy of Dev./Society, Space & Environ.)
Political Economy (Research) MA (pathways; Theoretical Pol Economy/ Finance, Bus. & Employment/Political Economy of Dev./Society, Space & Environ.)
Political Economy (Standard) MA (pathways; Theoretical Pol Economy/ Finance, Bus. & Employment/Political Economy of Dev./Society, Space & Environ.)
Political Economy (Standard) MA (pathways; Theoretical Pol Economy/ Finance, Bus. & Employment/Political Economy of Dev./Society, Space & Environ.)
Political Economy (Standard) MA (pathways; Theoretical Pol Economy/ Finance, Bus. & Employment/Political Economy of Dev./Society, Space & Environ.)
Political Science - Democracy and Elections (Research Route) MA
Political Science - Democracy and Elections (Standard Route) MA
Political Science - Ethics and Political Philosophy MA
Political Science - Ethics and Political Philosophy MA
Political Science - European Politics & Policy Pathway (Research Route) MA
Political Science - European Politics & Policy Pathway (Standard Route) MA
Political Science - Governance and Public Policy Pathway (Research Route) MA
Political Science - Governance and Public Policy Pathway (Standard Route) MA
Political Science - Political Theory Pathway (Research Route) MA
Political Science - Political Theory Pathway (Standard Route) MA
Politics MA
Pollution & Environmental Control MSc
Polymer Materials Science and Engineering MSc
Polymer Materials Science and Engineering MSc
Post-1900 Literatures, Theories and Cultures MA
Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures MA
Postgraduate Certificate in Education - Secondary (Chemistry)
Postgraduate Certificate in Education - Secondary (Chemistry)
Postgraduate Certificate in Education - Secondary (Physics)
Postgraduate Certificate in Education - Secondary (Physics)
Poverty and Development MSc
Poverty and Development MSc
Poverty and Development MSc
Psychology - Masters of Research (MRes)
Psychology of Education MEd
Public Administration MPA
Public International & European Law
Pure Mathematics MSc
Quantitative Finance: Financial Engineering MSc
Quantitative Finance: Financial Engineering MSc
Quantitative Finance: Financial Engineering MSc
Quantitative Finance: Risk Management MSc
Quantitative Finance: Risk Management MSc
Quantitative Finance: Risk Management MSc
Radio Imaging and Sensing MSc
Radio Imaging and Sensing MSc
Refinery Design & Operation MSc
Religion and Political Life MA
Religions and Theology MA
Social Anthropology MA
Social Anthropology MA - Cities and Migration Pathway
Social Anthropology MA - Culture, Ethnography and Development Pathway
Social Anthropology MA - Latin American Studies Pathway
Social Anthropology MA - Media and Performance Pathway
Social Anthropology MA - Museums and Material Culture Pathway
Social Anthropology MA - Research Methods Pathway
Social Anthropology MA - Visual and Sensory Media Pathway
Social Change MSc
Social Research Methods and Statistics MSc
Social Research Methods and Statistics MSc
Social Work MA
Sociological Research MSc
Sociological Research MSc
Sociology MA
Sociology MA
South Asian Studies MA
Statistics MSc
Statistics MSc
Structural Engineering MSc
Textile Technology (Technical Textiles) MSc
Textile Technology MSc
Theatre and Performance MA
Theoretical & Applied Fluid Dynamics MSc
Theoretical & Applied Fluid Dynamics MSc
Thermal Power & Fluid Engineering MSc
Tissue Engineering for Regenerative Medicine MRes
Translation and Interpreting Studies MA
Translational Medicine: Interdisciplinary Molecular Medicine (MRes )
Translational Medicine: Interdisciplinary Molecular Medicine (PGCert)
Translational Medicine: Pharmaceutical Cancer (MRes)
Translational Medicine: Pharmaceutical Cancer (PGCert)
Urban Regeneration and Development MA
Urban Regeneration and Development MA
Victorian Times MA
Visual Anthropology MA
War, Culture and History MA
World History MA

ARWU | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
Institutional Ranking |
89 | 78 | 53 | 50 | 48 | 40 | 41 | 44 | 38 | 40 | 41 | 38 | 41 | 35 | 38 | 34 | 33 |
Broad Subject Fields | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 |
SCI | 48 | 48 | 43 | 44 | 33 | 33 | 34 | 27 | 30 | 24 |
ENG | 44 | 35 | 32 | 33 | 32 | 36 | 37 | 76-100 | 76-100 | 35 |
LIFE | / | / | / | / | / | 101-150 | 101-150 | 101-150 | 101-150 | 101-150 |
MED | 51-75 | 52-75 | 51-76 | 51-75 | 51-75 | 51-75 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 76-100 | 101-150 |
SOC | 51-75 | 51-76 | 76-100 | 76-100 | 76-100 | 76-100 | 76-100 | 46 | 50 | 38 |
Subject Fields | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Mathematics | 76-101 | / | / | 101-150 | 101-150 | 101-150 | 101-150 |
Physics | 37 | 38 | 14 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 13 |
Chemistry | 51-75 | 51-75 | / | 101-150 | 101-150 | 101-150 | 101-150 |
Computer Science | 47 | 42 | 49 | 51-75 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 51-75 |
Economics/Business | / | / | / | 151-200 | 101-150 | 76-100 | 51-75 |