Ever since its predecessor was established in 1881 by 21 young physicists, the Tokyo University of Science (Tokyo Rika Daigaku) has continually pursued the noble ideal of contributing to Japan's development through the pursuit and dissemination of scientific knowledge. As a science-oriented university, we have endeavored to meet the timely needs of society by adopting new educational approaches and undertaking research in today's most vital fields.
One of the most important objectives of a university is to educate students so that they can contribute to the development and welfare of humankind. To achieve this ideal, we have pursued interdisciplinary studies and state-of-the-art technologies while at the same time strengthening our basic education program. Even as we retain our traditional emphasis on the fundamentals of science, TUS has grown into Japan’s largest comprehensive science and technology university, consisting of 7 faculties and 31 departments, 7 graduate schools and 30 departments, to meet the needs of today's internationalized, information-oriented society. Through our unique education and research programs, we will continue to strive for the betterment of society while adhering to our founding principle of “Building a Better Future with Science”.