English Name: | University College Cork |
Region: | Northern Europe |
Country/Region: | Ireland |
Found Year: | 1845 |
Address: | Western Road |
Website: | http://www.ucc.ie |
University College Cork
A tradition of
independent thinking
University College Cork is one of Ireland’s most prestigious universities. It boasts a vibrant, modern campus with an unsurpassed student experience in Ireland. A learning community where the student is at the heart of everything and the special relationship between student and lecturer is primary to our unique ethos.
The campus is located a mere ten minutes’ walk from the heart of Cork city, a former European Capital of Culture. Cork is listed as a top ten location in the Lonely Planet guide which states it “has always had an unshakeable self-confidence and innate sense of pride”, a description which is equally applicable to the University itself.
UCC’s uniqueness is comprised of several threads, which when woven together create the fabric of an exceptional university experience. Those elements include its cosmopolitan character; diversity of student backgrounds; successful access programs; excellence in teaching; high academic standards; flexibility in the delivery of programs; high completion rates and levels of graduate employment; excellent sporting facilities and a broad diversity of societies and social activities resulting in over two thousand student led events per term.
The campus possesses a range of unique cultural and historical attractions, where preservation and progress coexist; the University’s original 1845 buildings designed by Sir Thomas Deane and Benjamin Woodworth are considered to be of international architectural significance. The Hibero-Romanesque glory of the Honan Chapel (1916), and the Glucksman Gallery (2004,) a visionary purpose built modern art exhibition centre, are located within a two minute stroll. Our setting in beautiful grounds which include the historic Main Quadrangle, impressive gardens and riverside walks all provide a rich, varied, and inspiring experience to student and visitor alike.
UCC takes pride in the fact that its research income is consistently one of the highest in Ireland, as is industry collaboration income, and its research findings have had significiant impact in the global media. Imaginative teaching approaches and learning styles are fostered and supported while teaching and learning enjoy parity of esteem with research. A student-centred approach to education is embedded into the curriculum. Accordingly UCC attracts the highest calibre of students to over 120 degree and professional programmes throughout its four colleges.
There are c.20,700 full-time students: c.14,000 of these follow undergraduate programmes, while c.4,300 are engaged in postgraduate study and research. UCC’s diverse student-body includes c.3,300 international students representing over 100 countries worldwide. The university’s Centre for Adult Continuing Education serves over 2,700 part-time students. The university is one of the Region’s largest employers, employing c. 2,900 people.
UCC is the first University in the world to be awarded the esteemed ‘Green Flag’ award and remains the only Irish institution to be honoured in this way. UCC is ranked 9th in the world on the Global Green University Rankings and hosted the 5th annual conference earlier this year. We are co-founders of the Irish Maritime and Energy Resource Cluster (IMERC) one of the world’s largest research projects in sustainable energy and the marine. Similarly, UCC is an inaugural partner in a novel research collaboration between enterprise, Higher Education and the Irish Naval Service.
UCC is host to a number of Ireland’s elite research centres including the Tyndall National Research Institute and the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre (APC Microbiome Ireland) both recognised global leaders. UCC leads out on 4 of Ireland's national strategic research centres and has co-leadership in a further two centres covering research in the areas of Energy, Food, Health, Nanotechnology and Data Analytics. UCC is at the leading edge of commercialisation and technology transfer.
The university is acutely aware of its global commitments and hosts the Centre for Global Development recognising global challenges can only be addressed in collaboration between the developed and developing worlds. Joint degrees are awarded in partnership with University of Mekelle in Ethiopia. Campus societies enthusiastically support staff and student engagement with development issues. UCC is ranked 21 in the world Times Higher Impact Ranking which is primarily based on UN Sustainability Goals. This includes being number 1 in the world for responsible production and consumption.
UCC is actively engaged within its local community including partnership and volunteering by staff and students with a range of social and civic society organisations. A summertime open air concert, in conjunction with the local police and community services, is held annually on the main campus and the proceeds donated to local charities. A recent innovation sees students receive course credit for community based research activities.
University College Cork’s inspiring 174 year history is hallmarked by excellence. We aim to build character, fulfil potential and move the human race forward. An ethos that is proudly continued today. Our unique university community is empowered by its focussed ambition to persistently deliver, by remaining on the cutting edge and shaping the world we live in.
UCC – A tradition of independent thinking.
Total Enrollment:
International Students:(%)
Undergraduate Enrollment:
International Students:(%)
Graduate Enrollment:
International Students:(%)
Undergraduate Programs
Applied Psychology
Arts Music
Biological and Chemical Sciences
Biomedical Science
Business and Financial Economics
Business Information Systems
Chemical Sciences
Children'S and Generalintegrated Nursing
Chinese Studies
Chinese Studies
Computer Science
Drama and Theatre Studies
Drama and Theatre Studies International
Early Childhood Studies
Early Years and Childhood Studies
Electrical and Electronic
Environmental and Earth System Sciences
European Studies
Food Business
Food Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Food Science
Food Studies
Hispanic Studies
Intellectual Disability
International Development and Food Policy
Language and Cultural Studies
Law and French
Law and German
Law and Irish
Mathematical Sciences
Nutritional Sciences
Occupational Therapy
Physics and Astrophysics
Process and Chemical Engineering
Process and Chemical Engineering
Public Health and Health Promotion
Rural Development
Speech and Language Therapy
Sports Studies and Physical Education
Youth and Community Work
Master's Degree Programs
Advanced Audiology
An Léann Dúchais
Anatomy Neuroscience
Applied Linguistics
Applied Mathematics
Applied Psychology
Applied Psychology
Applied Science Analysis of Pharmaceutical Compounds
Applied Science Analytical Chemistry
Applied Science Bioinformatics with Systems Biology
Applied Science Biotechnology
Applied Science Ecological Assessment
Applied Science Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Applied Science Food Science
Applied Science Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing
Applied Science Marine Biology
Applied Science Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing
Applied Science Software and Systems For Mobile Networks
Archaeological Excavation
Asian Studies
Biomedical Sciences
Business Economics
Business Economics
Business Information Systems
Celtic Civilisation
Child and Family Law
Clinical Pharmacy
Co-Operative and Social Enterprise
Co-Operative Organisation/Food Marketing/Rural Development
Comparative Aesthetics and The Arts
Comparative and World Literature
Computer Science
Computing Science
Contemporary Chinese Culture and Business
Contemporary Migration and Diaspora Studies
Contemporary Religions
Corporate Finance
Criminal Justice
Drama and Theatre Studies
Early and Medieval Irish
Economics of Business Practice
Electronic Business
End-Of-Life Healthcare Ethics
English American Literature and Film
English Irish Writing: Theories and Traditions
English Modernities: Romanticism, Modernism, Post-Modernism
English Texts and Contexts: Medieval To Renaissance
Environmental Science
European Development Studies
Evidence Sed Therapy Practice
Film Studies
Financial Economics
Fisheries Management, Development and Conservation
Food Business
Food Marketing
Food Microbiology
Food Microbiology
Geography Coastal Management and Geographical Information Systems
German Studies
Government and Public Policy
Greek and Roman Civilisation
Guidance Counselling
Health Economic Practice
Health Economics
Health Services Management
Hispanic Studies
History Historical Research, International Relations, Medieval and Renaissance History
Human Osteoarchaeology
Information Systems For Business Performance
Information Technology In Architecture, Engineering and Construction
Innovation In European Business
Innovation, Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship
Intellectual Property and E-Law
Interactive Media
International Human Rights Law and Public Policy
International Public Policy and Diplomacy
Italian Modern and Contemporary Italian Culture: New Approaches, Italian Language and Translation Studies
Local History
Management and Marketing
Management Information and Managerial Accounting Systems
Master of Dental Public Health
Materials Science
Mathematical Physics
Mechanical Engineering Manufacturing, Process and Automation Systems
Microelectronic Design
Modern and Contemporary Art History
Modern Irish
Mph Master of Public Health
Music and Cultural History
Nursing Studies
Nutritional Sciences
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Occupational Health
Older Person Rehabilitation
Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Engineering
Pharmaceutical Technology and Quality Systems
Philosophy and Sociology
Plant Science
Rural Development
Sociology of Development and Globalisation
Specialised S/ In Applied Science
Sport and Exercise Medicine
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management Lean Scm Black Belt
Sustainable Energy
Teaching and Learning In Higher Education
Technology Management
Translation Studies French
Women'S Studies
Doctoral Programs
Business Information Systems
Cancer Biology
Digital Arts and Humanities
Education Structured
Health Services Research
Social Sciences
Texts, Contexts and Cultures

ARWU | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
Institutional Ranking |
301-400 | 404-502 | 401-500 | 401-500 | 403-510 | 303-401 | 303-401 | 401-500 | 301-400 | 301-400 | 301-400 | 401-500 | 401-500 | / | 601-700 | 401-500 | 401-500 |
Broad Subject Fields | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 |
SCI | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
ENG | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
LIFE | / | / | / | / | / | 151-200 | 151-200 | / | / | / |
MED | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
SOC | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
Subject Fields | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Mathematics | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
Physics | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
Chemistry | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
Computer Science | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
Economics/Business | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |