English Name: | University of Florence |
Region: | Southern Europe |
Country/Region: | Italy |
Found Year: | 1321 |
Address: | P.zza S.Marco, 4 |
Website: | http://www.unifi.it/ |
The University of Florence can trace its origins to the Studium, which was established in 1321. In 1472 the Studium was moved to Pisa. In 1859, the University re-emerged as Istituto di Studi Superiori (Institute of HigherEducation). In 1923 it was established as a public university and started its activities as a fully fledged university.
The University of Florence is one of the largest organisations for research and higher education in Italy, with over 1600 tenured teaching staff and researchers, over 1500 permanent technical/administrative staff and language assistants and over 50 thousand students enrolled.
The University consists of 10 Schools: Agriculture, Architecture, Economics and Management, Engineering, Humanities, Law, Life and Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, Political Science, Psychology. Scientific research is carried out in the Departments of the University, grouped into 5 major areas: Social Sciences, Humanities, Scientific, Technological and Biomedical areas.
A large part of the yearly budget is allocated to scientific research. In the recent past the University of Florence has been ranked top among Italian Universities in the distribution of national research funds.
High-level research avails itself of the “centres of excellence”, which attract funding and form synergies with other institutions.
The goals and missions of the University are defined in the Statute of the University of Florence as follows:
- The University of Florence is a public institution representing the scientific community, whose autonomy is guaranteed by the Constitution. Its purposes are the unhindered processing and transmission of knowledge and advanced learning, in accordance with the freedoms of research, teaching and learning.
- It affirms its pluralist nature, which is independent of any religious, ideological, political or economic conditioning.
- Through the conscientious cooperation of teachers, researchers, students and technical/administrative, it favours the development of critical knowledge which is open to the exchange of information, cultural cooperation and interaction, and which is a vehicle for progress and a tool for the affirmation of the dignity of all mankind and of just and peaceful cohabitation among nations.
- It cooperates with the other university institutions of the European Union in the creation of a community forum for research and higher learning.
- It intervenes in favour of right to study, as defined and guaranteed by Art. 34 of the Constitution.
- It makes the furthering of learning its priority and the basis for its cultural and professional training.
- It considers the particular characteristics of the various disciplinary areas into which its research and teaching activities are divided as a source of commonwealth to be put to the best possible use.
- The University guarantees the contribution of the biomedical research structures in achieving the goals set forth in Art.32 of the Constitution, priority being given to actions which are coordinated by and integrated with actions of the Regional Health Service.
Educational programmes and services
Italian universities issue the following qualifications, in compliance with Ministerial Decree No. 270 of 22/10/2004:
Laurea (L), on completion of an initial three-year study programme (180 credits)
Laurea Magistrale (LM) on completion of a further two-year study programme (120 credits)
Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico (LMc.u.) only in some Faculties, on completion of a five- or six-year study programme (300 or 360 credits)
Then, for those who have obtained a Laurea Magistrale (LM):
Diploma di Specializzazione (DS) – Specialisation diploma.
Dottorato di Ricerca (DR) - PhD
More over Italian universities offer Masters with one-year (1st level) or two-year (2ndlevel) study programmes (at least 60credits). These are orientated towards entry into the working world. In the University of Florence there are courses at all levels listed above.
Apart from the courses, the University also offers students important auxiliary activities, including sports, languages and computer studies, the university choir and orchestra, in-faculty cultural and educational initiatives funded by university grants, psychological support and the chance of paid part-time collaboration in various types of work.
Research and knowledge transfer
The University of Florence is one of the largest and most productive public research systems in Italy. This result is related to the number of permanent and temporary researchers working in a wide range of disciplines and scientific fields, and the numerous junior scientists in training. It is also due to intensive participation in research programmes of national and international importance, the significant scientific results achieved, and the flow of funds which support research and knowledge transfer. This combination of factors qualifies the Florentine institution as a modern research university, and accounts for its excellent ranking in national and international classifications.
The researchers from the various departments of the University of Florence have at their disposal several research structures comprising interdepartmental and inter-university centres, as well as some specialised research units and laboratories.
In recent years the University of Florence has increasingly consolidated its activities in the sphere of knowledge transfer: from the filing of patents to the setting-up of joint workshops with firms, through to participation in spin-off companies.
Libraries and Museum
There are approximately three-and-a-half million books and a large number of periodicals available in five libraries covering the main disciplinary areas, with around 60 annexed reading rooms. The university library system also offers online catalogues and many other resources in digital format (journals, articles, books). Students are offered courses for guidance in the use of the library and in bibliographical research, as well as rooms with computer work stations that are also open in the evening.
In collaboration with other universities, important projects are underway which will increase direct access to databases and full-text electronic periodicals from individual work stations.
The digital publishing service provided by Firenze University Press., F.U.P., can be considered a model University publishing house; it cooperates with professors and researchers to promote and increase the value of scientific and didactic production, thus offering electronic and paper publications scientifically guaranteed by the University itself.
The most important natural history museum in Italy belongs to the University of Florence. It is also one of the oldest and most renowned museums at an international level: the Museum of Natural History, founded in 1775 by the Grand Duke Peter Leopold. The Botanical Garden section of the Museum is however even older, dating back to 1545. Consisting of six sections scattered over the old centre of Florence, the Museum houses 8 million exhibits, some of outstanding scientific and naturalistic importance: sixteenth-century herbaria and precious eighteenth-century waxworks, fossil skeletons of elephants and collections of multicoloured butterflies, large tourmaline crystals and Aztec relics, impressive wooden sculptures and the largest inflorescence in the world. A wonderful combination of nature, history, science and art emerges from this context.
Total Enrollment:
International Students:(%)
Undergraduate Enrollment:
International Students:(%)
Graduate Enrollment:
International Students:(%)
Undergraduate Programs
Agricultural Sciences
Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences - Quality Control
Architectural Science
Audiometric Techniques
Biological Sciences
Biomedical Laboratory Techniques
Building Engineering
Business Administration
City Planning, Land and Landscape (Agriculture - Architecture)
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Dental Hygiene (With Inter-University of Siena - Siena Head Office)
Design and Management of Business Events and Art and Entertainment
Diagnostics and Materials For Conservation and Restoration
Disciplines of the Arts, Music and Entertainment
Economic Development, International Cooperation, Social Care and Conflict Management (Business - Medicine and Surgery - Education Science - Political Science)
Economy and Trade
Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications
Engineering For the Environment, Resources and Territory
Food Technology
Forestry and Environmental Sciences
Health Care
History and Conservation of Archaeological, Artistic, Archival and Library
Humanities For Communication (Literature and Philosophy - Educational Sciences)
Industrial Design
Internationalization and Quality Management
Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies
Legal Services
Letters Ancient
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Radiology Techniques, Imaging and Radiotherapy
Modern Literature
Natural Science
Neuro and Psychomotor Developmental
Nurseries Sciences, Environment and Management of Green
Optics and Optometry
Orthopedic Techniques
Orthoptic and Ophthalmological Care
Physical Education, Sport and Health
Physics and Astrophysics
Political Sciences
Psychological Sciences and Techniques
Science of Childhood
Science Tourist
Social Sciences Education
Sociology and Social Policy
Speech Therapy
Technical and Prevention in the Workplace
Techniques Hearing Instrument
Techniques Neurophysiopathology
Viticulture and Enology
Vocational Education
Wildlife Sciences
Master's Degree Programs
Accounting and Professional Services
Advanced Development Economics
Agricultural Science and Technology
Analysis and Policies of Local and Regional Development
Archival Science and Librarianship
Banking, Insurance and Financial Markets
Biomedical Engineering
Building Engineering
Chemical Sciences
Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Design and Management of Social Interventions
Economic Sciences
Electrical Engineering and Automation
Electronic Engineering
Energy Engineering
Engineering For Environmental Protection and Land
Food Science and Technology
Geographical and Anthropological Studies
Geological Sciences and Technologies
Government and Corporate Direction
Health Professions Diagnostic Techniques
Health Professions For Technical Assistance
Health Professions Prevention
Historical Sciences
History of Art
International Relations and European Studies
Landscape Architecture (Agriculture - Architecture)
Languages and Civilizations of the Ancient and Modern
Languages and Literatures of Europe and America
Logic, Philosophy and History of Science (Literature and Philosophy - Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences)
Management of Sports and Physical Activities
Mechanical Engineering
Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (Medicine and Surgery - Pharmacy)
Modern Philology
Molecular Biotechnology
Musicology and Musical Heritage
Nursing and Midwifery
Performing Arts
Philology, Literature and History of Antiquity
Philosophical Sciences
Physical Sciences and Astrophysics
Planning and Design of Urban and Regional (Agriculture - Architecture)
Planning of Tourism Systems (Economics - Literature and Philosophy)
Rehabilitation Sciences Health Professions
School Management and Teaching Clinic
Science and Management of Wildlife Resources and Environmental
Science and Technology of Forest Systems
Science of Adult Education, Lifelong Learning and Educational Sciences
Science Policy and Decision Making Processes
Sciences and Materials For the Conservation and Restoration
Sciences and Techniques of Sport and Physical Activities Adapted Preventive And
Sciences of Nature and of Man
Sociology and Social Research
Statistical Sciences
Strategic Communication
Telecommunications Engineering
Theories of Communication (Literature and Philosophy - Faculty of Education)
Tropical Rural Development
Doctoral Programs
Agricultural Microbial Biotechnology
Agro-Forestry Engineering
And Clinical Pathology of the Musculoskeletal Tissue and Calcified
Anesthesiology and Surgical Sciences
Anglistics and Americanists
Applied Biochemistry and Biology
Applied Statistics
Architectural and Urban Design
Architectural Technology and Design
Art History (Humanities Area)
Art History (Merged with Other Phd in Technology)
Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy International Ph.D.
Biomedical Sciences Developmental
Biosystematics and Plant Ecology (Merged with Other Phd Technological Area)
Biosystematics and Plant Ecology (Scientific Area)
Biotech Crops For Tropical Products
Biotechnology Endocrinology, Molecular and Regenerative
Bonds and Contracts in Italy and in European Private Law
Chemical Sciences
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Civilization of the Renaissance and Humanism
Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Clinical Pathophysiology and Aging
Comparative Law
Conservative Surgery and Repairing the Head and Neck
Design and Development of Products and Industrial Processes (New Name Xxiv Was To Design and Construction Machinery)
Detection and Representation of Architecture and Environment
Earth Sciences
Economics and Management of Enterprises and Local Systems (Egisl)
Economics, Planning, Forestry and Wood Science
Engineering and Automation
Ethology, Animal Ecology and Anthropology (New Deonominazione For Consolidation with Sc Anthropology)
Experimental and Clinical Oncology
Florence-Germanic Bonn / Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft: Bonn-Florenz (International Ph.D.)
Founding Myths of Europe in the Arts and Literature
Genetic and Microbiological Sciences and Bioinformatics (New Name To Genetic Sciences Was Xxiv)
Greek and Latin Philology
Historical Studies For the Modern Age and Contemporary
History and Civilization of the Ancient World
History and Tradition in Medieval and Renaissance Texts
History of Architecture and Urbanism
History of Economic Doctrines
History of Entertainment
History of International Relations
Human Morphology and Morphogenesis
Industrial Engineering and Reliability
Information Technology and Applications
Innovative Energy and Industrial Technology
International Law and European Union
Italian Studies (Phd International)
Landscape Planning
Languages and Cultures of the Mediterranean
Materials and Structures For Architecture
Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanistic Systems and Structural Biology (Xxiv Cycle Up To Product: Structural Biology) Phd Int
Medieval History
Methodology of Social Sciences
Methods of Educational Research: Theory and History
Multimedia Computing and Telecommunications Engineering
Non Destructive Testing
Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems
Pastoral and Livestock Forage Systems For Sustainable Land Use and Quality of Products
Penalistiche Disciplines: Law and Criminal Procedure
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Physiological and Nutritional Sciences
Politics and Economics of Developing Countries
Production of Aquatic and Terrestrial Animals and Product Quality
Programming and Control
Public Law - Law and Urban Environment
Quality of Education: Knowledge of the Differences and the Development of Knowledge
Rf, Microwave and Electromagnetics (International Ph.D.)
Risk Mitigation of Natural Hazards On Two To Structures and Infrastructures - Risk Reduction (International Ph.D.)
Science For Conservation of Cultural Heritage
Soil Science and Climatology
Systems Engineering Eletronici
Telematics and Information Society
Theory and History of Law - Theory and History of Human Rights - International Ph.D.
Twentieth Century: Politics, Economics, Institutions
Urban and Territorial Planning
Wine Economy and Rural Development

ARWU | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
Institutional Ranking |
152-200 | 202-301 | 203-300 | 151-200 | 203-304 | 201-302 | 201-302 | 201-300 | 201-300 | 201-300 | 201-300 | 201-300 | 201-300 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 301-400 | 201-300 |
Broad Subject Fields | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 |
SCI | / | / | / | / | / | 151-200 | 151-200 | 101-150 | 101-150 | 151-200 |
ENG | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
LIFE | / | / | / | / | / | / | 151-200 | / | / | / |
MED | / | / | / | / | / | 151-200 | / | 151-200 | 151-200 | 151-200 |
SOC | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
Subject Fields | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Mathematics | / | / | / | 151-200 | 151-200 | / | / |
Physics | / | / | / | / | / | 101-150 | 101-150 |
Chemistry | 51-75 | 76-100 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 76-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 |
Computer Science | / | / | / | 151-200 | 151-200 | / | / |
Economics/Business | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |