The University of Trento is a young, medium-sized university in a friendly city, that offers an excellent quality of life. The University of Trento has been able to create a solid policy basis over the years, aimed at delivering high quality services to its students and community. The result is a wide range of bachelor, master and PhD courses, supported by a high-level of scientific research. One of the University's strengths is its outstanding international character: testifying to this are the many cooperation projects with foreign universities (which open up many opportunities to study and work abroad), the community of foreign professors visiting Trento, and the institution of degree courses completely taught in English. On one side, the University educates the young professionals demanded by the labour market (also thanks to many double and joint degree programmes); on the other side, it counts on local enterprises to offer students opportunities for interesting and fruitful traineeships. The enterprises can come across good opportunities for scientific consultancies and for technological transfer in collaboration with the University.