English Name: | University of Zaragoza |
Region: | Southern Europe |
Country/Region: | Spain |
Found Year: | 1542 |
Address: | Pedro Cerbuna, 12 |
Website: | http://www.unizar.es |
The University of Zaragoza is a public institution of research and higher education in the service of society, combining a tradition of five centuries of history with the updating of their teaching education.
The University of Zaragoza is generalist and offers courses in all areas: Arts and Humanities, Experimental Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Law and Engineering and Architecture. Its dedication to European integration and its commitment to the future have resulted in actions which have enabled it, to offer 54 degree courses adapted to the European Higher Education Area (some of these are taught at more than one campus, allowing for 66 different enrolment options). In terms of graduate studies, the University offers 55 universitary masters and 43 doctorate programmes, in addition to 94 own programmes.
Scientific research, technological development and constant innovation are essential tools for economic and social growth. . Research carried out by the University of Zaragoza is focused on technological, social, legal, humanistic, experimental and biohealth areas. It organises research activity through its own research Institutes, joint or affiliated institutes, as well as through nationally and internationally renowned research groups. Its laboratories and scientific and technological infrastructures are dedicated to optimising research by generating knowledge and promoting innovation. University research institutes play a vital role in the work carried out by the University of Zaragoza, which comprises 10 institutes: 5 own institutes, 1 affiliated institute and 4 joint institutes.
The University also has other unique research facilities: the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC) and the Advanced Microscopy Laboratory. It is also noteworthy the Research Center in Transmisible Spongiform and Emerging Diseases, fruit of an agreement between the Goverment of Aragon, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the University of Zaragoza, as a reference laboratory for research that requires a high degree of security in the field of Biology, Biomedicina or Veterinary Science.
A large part of the University’s research activity is channeled through the 226 research groups. It also has research support services, consisting of laboratories and workshops which facilitate research work in various scientific fields.
In order to strengthen its relations with companies and institutions the University has a Research Results Transfer Office (OTRI) and has created company and institutional Chairs. In this way, society benefits from the transfer of technology and research carried out by the University, as well as from the dissemination of ideas and continuous training and the provision of technical assistance to businesses and university communities through participation in contracts, development of patents, and the creation of technologybased companies. The University has 55 institutional and company Chairs. This represents a strategic and long-lasting union, where both parties can benefit from the results of research, development and innovation activities. Its activities include developing of research lines of common interest, pursuing national and international research projects, advising on innovation, development, and preferential information regarding research or transfer projects, the development of doctoral theses and dissertations, organising student work placements, promoting the integration of university teachers in the business environment carrying out training. The University of Zaragoza is the second Spanish University according to the number of institutional and company Chairs.
The University of Zaragoza’s international commitment is demonstrated through mobility programmes (both its own and external) for students, teachers, researchers, and administration and service staff, double degree programmes, bilateral and multilateral agreements, research projects, and university development cooperation projects across the five continents. The University of Zaragoza considers internationalisation a guarantee of quality. It has around 1,700 bilateral agreements with institutions all over the world (34 European countries, the United States, Canada, Australia, Latin America, Asia, and Africa). It is one of the top-ranking Spanish universities in terms of international annual student exchanges. Almost 1,000 of our students take part every year; and around 3.7% of the students attending daily lessons at the University of Zaragoza are international incoming exchange students. In addition, each year around 150 teachers from our University carry out educational visits in other European countries, and the trend is growing. The University of Zaragoza has managed various international mobility programmes and in addition, it takes part in development cooperation programmes.
The University of Zaragoza, together with the Public University of Navarra, La Rioja University and Lleida University formed the Ebro Valley Campus honoured with the title of International Campus of Excellence. A consortium has been created overcoming the geographical and administrative boundaries of four autonomous regions. The areas of expertise are set according with their capabilities to claim their international position with defined scientific challenges and ground-breaking activities in sustainable energy, technology for citizens’ health, food and nutrition, and conservation of cultural heritage. Particularly valued are their ties with the productive environment, involving companies, institutions and cities. The objectives of the Iberus Campus are: providing quality, comprehensive training; achieving scientific excellence; promoting internationalisation; establishing itself as a focal point for talent; improving management quality; promoting social responsibility and integration with society and providing the necessary infrastructural aggregation in order to develop the thematic organisation of the campuses. This will be reinforced by the coordinated structure of the four universities, the research centres of Aragón, Navarra, La Rioja and Lleida, and will involve surrounding cities and businesses. One key aim is to create a cross-border campus with the universities of Toulouse and Pau (France), which will allow student and teacher mobility and further strengthen relations between academics and researchers.
The University of Zaragoza has an extensive offer in the field of culture and sport, as well as a set of services to its members (accommodation, residence, language ...) benefit. Their courses of Spanish as a Foreign Language are the oldest in Spain.
Total Enrollment:
International Students:(%)
Undergraduate Enrollment:29862
International Students:462(2%)
Graduate Enrollment:
International Students:(%)
Undergraduate Programs
Agronomic Engineering (Second Cycle)
Audition And Language Teacher (Phasing Out)
Chemical Engineering (Phasing Out)
Computer Engineering (Phasing Out)
Degree In Biochemistry
Degree In Business Administration And Management (Phasing Out)
Degree In Chemistry (Phasing Out)
Degree In Classical Philology (Phasing Out)
Degree In Economics (Phasing Out)
Degree In Educational Psychology
Degree In English Philology (Phasing Out)
Degree In Fine Arts (Phasing Out)
Degree In Food Science And Technology
Degree In French Philology (Phasing Out)
Degree In Geography (Phasing Out)
Degree In Geology (Phasing Out)
Degree In Hispanic Philology (Phasing Out)
Degree In History (Phasing Out)
Degree In History Of Art (Phasing Out)
Degree In Humanities (Phasing Out)
Degree In Law (Phasing Out)
Degree In Mathematics (Phasing Out)
Degree In Medicine (Phasing Out)
Degree In Medicine (Phasing Out)
Degree In Odontology (Phasing Out)
Degree In Philosophy (Phasing Out)
Degree In Physical And Sporting Activity Sciences (Phasing Out)
Degree In Physics (Phasing Out)
Degree In Veterinary Medicine (Phasing Out)
Degree In Work Sciences
Foreign Language Teacher (Phasing Out
Industrial Engineering (Phasing Out)
Joint Program: Management And Business Administration / Law (Phasing Out)
Musical Education Teacher (Phasing Out)
Physical Education Teacher (Phasing Out)
Preschool Education Teacher (Phasing Out)
Primary Education Teacher (Phasing Out)
Special Education Teacher (Phasing Out)
Technical Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural And Food Industries (Phasing Out)
Technical Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural And Livestock (Phasing Out)
Technical Agricultural Engineering, Fruit And Vegetable (Phasing Out)
Technical Architect (Phasing Out)
Technical Computer Systems Engineering (Phasing Out)
Technical Engineer Management Computing (Phasing Out)
Technical Engineering, Industrial Design (Phasing Out)
Technical Industrial Engineering, Industrial Chemistry (Phasing Out)
Technical Industrial Engineering, Industrial Electricity (Phasing Out)
Technical Industrial Engineering, Industrial Electronics (Phasing Out)
Technical Industrial Engineering, Industrial Mechanics (Phasing Out)
Technical Industrial Engineering, Mechanics (Phasing Out)
Technical Public Works Engineering , Civil Construction (Phasing Out)
Technical Telecommunications Engineering, Electronic Systems (Phasing Out)
Telecommunications Engineering (Phasing Out)
Master's Degree Programs
Accounting And Finance
Advanced Humanities
Advanced Studies In History Of Art
Advanced Studies In Philosophy
Animal Nutrition
Applied Mechanics
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Research
Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training And Education In Languages, Arts And Sports
Contemporary History
Cultural Heritage Management
Economic History
Electronic Engineering
European Union
Genetical, Nutritional And Environmental Factors Of Growth And Development
Geographical Information Technology For Territorial Development: Geographical Informations Systems And Teledetection
Global Security And Defence
Green Chemistry
Information Technology And Mobile Communications Networks
Introduction To Food Science And Technology Research
Introduction To Geology Research
Introduction To Mathematics Research
Introduction To Medical Research
Introduction To Research In Agricultural Science And Natural Environment
Introduction To Research In Chemical Engineering And The Environment
Introduction To Research In Economics
Introduction To Veterinary Science Research
Labor Risk Prevention
Lifelong Learning In Multicultural Environments
Mathematical, Statistical And Computing Modelling
Mechanical Systems
Medieval Studies Of The Crown Of Aragon
Molecular And Cellular Biology
Nanostructured Materials For Nanotechnology Applications
Organisational Management
Physics And Physical Technologies
Public Helath
Renewable Energies And Efficiency
Sciences Of Antiquity
Social Gerontology
Sociology Of Public And Social Policies
Spanish Studies: Language And Literature
Specialisation In Law Research
Studies On Philosophy
Swine Health And Production
Systems And Computer Engineering
Territorial And Environmental Management
Textual And Cultural Studies In English
The Management Of Information And Documentation Units And Services
Tourism Management And Planning
Translation Of Specialised Texts
University Course In Gender Relations
University Course In Nursing Studies
Vocational Guidance
Doctoral Programs
Accounting And Finances
Accounting And Management Of Organisations
Advanced Humanities
Agricultural Science And The Environment
Animal Medicine And Health
Animal Production
Antiquity Science
Biochemistry And Molecular Biology
Biomedical And Biotechnological Science
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Analytical Science
Chemical And Environmental Engineering
Computational Mechanics
Contemporary History
Design And Manufacturing Engineering
Electronic Engineering
English Studies
Fluid Mechanics
Food Quality, Safety And Technology
Gender Relations
Genetical, Nutritional And Environmental Factors Of Growth And Development
Health Sciences
History Of Art
Information And Documentation
Information Technologies And Communications In Mobile Networks
Inorganic Chemistry
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Mathematical Methods And Their Applications
Mechanical Systems
Medieval History
Modern History
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Renewable Energies And Energy Efficiency
Sociology Of Public And Social Policies
Spanish Language And Linguistics
Spanish Philology
Studies On Philosophy
Sustainable Chemistry
Systems And Computer Engineering
Territorial Development And The Environment

ARWU | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
Institutional Ranking |
401-500 | 404-502 | 401-500 | 401-500 | 403-510 | 402-503 | 402-501 | 401-500 | 401-500 | 401-500 | 401-500 | 401-500 | 401-500 | / | 501-600 | 501-600 | 401-500 |
Broad Subject Fields | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 |
SCI | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | 151-200 |
ENG | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
LIFE | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
MED | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
SOC | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
Subject Fields | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Mathematics | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
Physics | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
Chemistry | 51-75 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 51-75 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 76-100 |
Computer Science | / | / | / | / | 151-200 | 151-200 | / |
Economics/Business | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |